compare and constract the properties of metal and non metal in terms physical and chemical properties
Physical Properties
• Metals occur in the solid state. All metals are solid except with an exception for mercury which is in liquid state in its natural form.
• Metals are malleable in nature. They can be beaten into thin sheets. For example, elements such as aluminium, gold, and silver can be beaten into thin sheets for common usage purpose.
• Metals are ductile. This means that metals can be stretched into thin wires. We can make copper wires and aluminium wires. All metals are equally ductile. Only that some metals are more ductile than others for which they are used for day to day purposes.
• Metals conduct heat and electricity. It is by virtue of this property of metals that heat, and electricity can pass through them. Every metal is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
Note: Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity, copper is also a good conductor. The worst conductor of heat is lead whereas Iron and mercury are poor conductors of electricity.
• Metals are shiny. It is due to this property of metals that they are lustrous, and they reflect the light incident on its surface. Also, metals can be polished, and this is one of the reasons why metals are used to make jewellery and desired by women and men alike.
• Metals are very strong and hard, exceptions being sodium and potassium. They can be cut with a knife.
• Metals are also known to be heavy.
• Metals are also sonorous. They produce a sound when they are rung or hit with any object.
• Metals have a high melting point and a high boiling point.
• Metals have high density.
• Metals in the form of objects are opaque and are never transparent or translucent.
Non metals
Physical Properties
• Non-metals are brittle and break into pieces when beaten. Example: Sulphur and phosphorus.
• Non-metals are not ductile so, they cannot be made into thin wires.
• Non-metals are insulators or poor conductors of electricity and heat because they do not lose electrons to transmit the energy.
• At room temperature, they can be in the state of solids, liquids or gases.
• They are non-sonorous.
• They can be transparent
In the periodic table, you can see a stair-stepped line starting at Boron (B), atomic number 5, and going all the way down to Polonium (Po), atomic number 84. Except for Germanium (Ge) and Antimony (Sb), all the elements to the left of that line can be classified as metals.
These metals have properties that you normally associate with the metals you encounter in everyday life:
They are solid (with the exception of mercury, Hg, a liquid).
They are shiny, good conductors of electricity and heat.
They are ductile (they can be drawn into thin wires).
They are malleable (they can be easily hammered into very thin sheets).
All these metals tend to lose electrons easily. The following figure shows the metals.
Except for the elements that border the stair-stepped line, the elements to the right of the line are classified as nonmetals (along with hydrogen). Nonmetals have properties opposite those of the metals.
The nonmetals are brittle, not malleable or ductile, poor conductors of both heat and electricity.