Compare and contrast between Bengal and Siberian tiger population
Siberian tiger occupies territory of 2500 to 4000 square miles. ... Bengal tiger is the most numerous subspecies of tiger. According to some studies, there are around 1850 Bengal tigers left in the wild. Remaining population of Siberian tiger is much smaller and it doesn't exceed number of 500 animals.
Bengal tiger is the most numerous subspecies of tiger. According to some studies, there are around 1850 Bengal tigers left in the wild. Remaining population of Siberian tiger is much smaller and it doesn't exceed number of 500 animals.
Although both the tiger species, the Bengal and the Siberian tigers are powerful; however, if ever a Siberian tiger fight against a Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger will win because it is bigger than the Bengal tiger and is more powerful.
There are fewer than 2,000 Bengal Tigers left in the wild. Hunting and human population growth are the main threats to Bengal Tigers. As human populations grow, people need more places to live. This reduces the amount of wild habitat for the tiger.
There are now between 480 and 540 Amur tigers across their existing range, with around 100 of these known to be cubs. Organized by the Russian government with the support of the Amur Tiger Center and WWF, the current census covered over 58,000 square miles of the endangered animal's habitat.
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