Compare and contrast between Sakuntala and Miranda.
The Abhigyanshakuntalam and The Tempest both are beautiful words of two of the greatest dramatists first one is the Shakespeare and second one is Kalidasa respectively. In both, there is consistency of nature and human nature. We have seen the whole drama with nature. Hero and Heroines in both the plays are basically the children of nature. Shakuntala, the heroine in Kalidasa’s The Abhigyanshakuntalam, is beautiful as Similarly, Miranda, in the Tempest, they both are well known for their natural beauty and both drama are famous for natural background. Present paper deals with the kindly nature of Mother Nature development the human qualities in the characters of both the plays.
Shakuntala was a child without parents, a queen without guards, and a wife without husband whereas Miranda is motherless and her father Prospero used her for his own personal ends and controlled her life through magic.