Compare and contrast between the imp and the crust and How much land does a man need By Leo Tolstoy
In the story, an Imp tries to make a poor, unselfish, devout farmer commit sin.
According to the author Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910), man should have just enough land to meet his needs.
The imp tries various tricks to make the farmer sin – first by stealing his breakfast crust, when that is unsuccessful, by giving him wrong advises and ruining his crops.
Initially all efforts by the imp fails, until the farmer gets a bumper crop and is shown by the imp, who is in disguise as a labourer, how to make a strong alcoholic drink. The farmer soon starts drinking and also calls in his friends and neighbours to have a drink. Soon all of them are drunk and act like brutes. The imp happily shows this off to his master, the devil. The imp tells the devil that all he had to do, was to give the farmer more corn than he needed, to commit sin.
Leo Tolstoy is one of the greatest Russian writers, whose writings have been translated to several languages and has influenced the literary field throughout the world.