Psychology, asked by nicrav, 8 months ago

Compare and contrast early and late maturers, and discuss positive and negative consequences for each type of individual


Answered by abrar5927


According to Santrock (2007), adolescents who mature earlier or laterthan their friends have different outlooks of themselves.For instance, early-maturing males had positive outlooks of themselves and had moresuccessful friendships, compared to late-maturing males.Yet, late-maturing males in their thirties developed a stronger sense of identity thanearly-maturing males.The stronger sense of identity may be due to late-maturing males having more time to explore their life choices or becauseearly-maturing males focused on their physical status instead of careerdevelopment.Most recently, research claims that during adolescence it isadvantageous to be an early-maturing male.However, this is not the samefor females.Research claims that early maturing girls risk having manyproblems such as: smoking, drinking, depression, eating disorders,struggling for earlier independence from their parents, and having olderfriends.As a result of maturing earlier, dating and earlier sexualexperiences occur.In addition, early-maturing girls tend to have sex, moreunstable sexual relationships, are less likely to graduate from high school,and tend to cohabit and marry earlier.

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