Compare and contrast politics and governance
Explanation:Governance is the act of governing. In fact, it’s incredibly important to the health of a nation that the populace feels involved in their own governance. In fact, there’s a lot of historical recorded evidence that populations that felt distant from their governance saw their government fail, and sometimes to atrocious things in the act. NAZI germany is a huge example of this, and there are memoirs of those who lived through it written in ‘They Thought They Were Free.’ It doesn’t take long to realize that people were separated from their government and from their role in politics… and that let the vermin in to use it to sociopathic ends.
The fact remains that resources are limited. Time, fuel, air, food, metal, wood, labor, et cetera ad nauseam. Getting the right tools and the right resources and the right people into the right place at the right time to do the right thing… is kinda hard, and when it works it will be called governance, because that’s what it took. Even if it was an ad hoc government of 10 people who wanted to erect a few barn for the village… it was an act of governance between them that got it done.
As for politics… I would offer that politics is the act of negotiation between disparate groups with disparate needs and disparate resources (or lack thereof) with the goal of finding the most beneficial solution for all at the least cost to all. A daily act at all levels of human interaction, from personal disagreements to nations writing globally binding accords. In fact, people’s fear OF politics appears to be correlative with the fall of nations in the last couple hundred years or so, if not longer.