Biology, asked by ayushichaudhary2208, 11 months ago

Compare and contrast the following terms:
(a) Gene and allele.
(b) Genotype and phenotype.
(c) DNA and RNA.
(d) DNA and chromosome.
(e) Locus and allele.


Answered by Reena4986gmailcom
DNAand RNAis the constravt of follow terms.
Answered by jangirrajat98
(a) A gene is a stretch of DNA or RNA that determines a certain trait. Genes mutate and can take two or more alternative forms; an allele is one of these forms of a gene. For example, the gene for eye color has several variations (alleles) such as an allele for blue eye color or an allele for brown eyes.

(b) Genotype is what makes the trait - the information within a gene, or the genetic makeup of a specific organism. Genotype is determined by the makeup of something called "alleles," a word that refers to the form of a gene that produces different effects.

Genotype is the information contained within two alleles. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism and it results in some of the physical characteristics of that organism.

Phenotype is what you see - the visible or observable expression of the results of genes, combined with the environmental influence on an organism’s appearance or behavior.

(c) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genomic material in cells that contains the genetic information used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. 
DNA consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides, with backbones made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester bonds. 

RNA, is another macromolecule essential for all known forms of life. Like DNA, RNA is made up of nucleotides. Once thought to play ancillary roles,

(d)In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure. 

(e)A locus (plural loci) in genetics is a fixed position on a chromosome, like the position of a gene or a marker .
An allele is a variant of a gene. Each cell has two alleles (one per parent) for each gene: one dominant, one recessive. The dominant allele is the one which actually codes for the protein, while the recessive one does effectively nothing.

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