English, asked by timotheusmincey29, 9 months ago

Compare and Contrast the way Sonia Nazario presents similar ideas in a biography and an editorial


Answered by OmegaCheezball


      Do you have any idea how bad refugees' lives are? They run from violence in their homelands and try to reunite with loved ones, and some die on their way to freedom. An editorial on this topic includes statistics and examples from multiple studies, while a biography about the same topic tells about one boy's journey.

       The biography Enrique's Journey tells how this one boy made his journey to America. He lived in Honduras, and violence and gangs were everywhere. He had to try his hardest to survive, just to have a better life. He scratched and clawed to get to America. at one point, on a train, a gangster named El Brujo introduced him to other gangsters. Nazario claims that "...when he was deported, he always stuck with one of these gang members to protect himself from any attacks"(2). Just the fact that he had to stay near someone so dangerous the whole trip shows that he was in true danger at every turn.

       The editorial, also written by Nazario, mostly shows objective facts obtained from studies, not just one perspective. it tells how almost 7,000 children were picked up by US Immigration officers three years before the article was written. That year, around 90,000 were expected. That is a massive change in numbers, being about thirteen times as many as three years prior. "The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees recently interviewed 404 children...from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico; 58 percent said their primary reason for leaving was violence"(Nazario 2). The sheer amount of violence in those countries is incredible, and it is no wonder why those children wanted to escape it.

       The ways these two texts present the information are similar in some ways, but also very different. The biography tells a story in Enrique's perspective, and the editorial uses statistical facts and evidence to convince the reader that immigration laws need to be changed. They both tell how bad refugees' lives are, although in different ways. These texts can appeal to different audiences as well.

       Two texts can present information in different ways, but still be about the same topic. A biography tells a story through one person's eyes, while an editorial gives facts and statistics to prove a point and encourage the reader to take action.


I actually wrote that essay myself. Use it if you want. Most people here just give the sample stuff that the site gives, but here ya go. A fresh, well-written essay just for you! :)

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