English, asked by Jhonnn, 9 months ago

Compare and contrast these modern literary genres using the venn diagram


Answered by mikaaa


The Main Characteristics of Modern Literature: The characteristics of the Modern Literature can be categorized into Individualism, Experimentation, Symbolism, Absurdity and Formalism. 1-Individualism: In Modern Literature, the individual is more interesting than society.


Answered by Evanbo222


Compare and contrast Blog, Text-Talk Novel, and Hyper Poetry using the Venn diagram:-


  • Blog: A blog is a discussion or informational website that consists of discrete, usually informal text posts written in the style of a diary that is posted online. In reverse chronological order, the most recent post is often shown first at the top of the webpage.
  • Hyper poetry: Hyperpoetry is a form of digital poetry that incorporates hyperlinks and hypertext markup. It is an extremely visual form that is connected to visual arts and hypertext fiction. Through the use of links, a hypertext poem can move or be formed in reaction to the links that the reader or user selects.
  • Text-talk Novel: Text-talk Novel is similar to message and email format storytelling. Almost much of the conversation in stories resembles social network exchange.


  • The internet is used to access the content of blogs and text-talk books.
  • Words, phrases, lines, and other components are predefined in text-talk and hyper poetry. The medium is digital.
  • Hyper poetry and blogs are both examples of contemporary literature that may be accessed online.
  • So in terms of access, blogs, hyper poetry, and text-talk novels are similar.


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