English, asked by alotamark, 1 month ago

compare and contrast TV,radio or printed advertisements​


Answered by shawntejiles06



Print and television advertising both offer an avenue to get your message to your target audience and promote your business. Each has strengths and weaknesses that determine whether the medium is right for you. Examine the goals of your marketing campaign and what your target audience consumes to make the choice that's right for your business.


Advertising in print media allows you to get your message out quickly and change it as needed. It also allows you to target your advertising to reach a particular audience. If you're selling sports merchandise and the local NFL team clinches a playoff spot over the weekend, you can run an ad in Monday's sports section offering playoff apparel for sale. If something happens with the hockey team on Wednesday, you can switch that advertising copy out for one promoting hockey T-shirts on Thursday. TV commercials take more time to produce, particularly for a small business with a lower advertising budget, so the opportunities to take advantage of a rapidly changing market conditions are fewer.


Unlike print, television advertising offers a medium to disseminate high-impact messages combining both audio and visual images. A campaign designed to get people to use your service to check their house for termites, for example, benefits from the target audience being able to see the negative effects of termites and hear victims discuss their damage. On the other hand, newspaper remains a more trusted medium. In a study commissioned by Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, newspapers edged out cable and network news when it came to being "very credible."


Both print and television offer the opportunity to target a particular audience, but both have limitations. You have little control of your advertisement's magazine placement in most cases, and newspaper also may not guarantee a particular spot for your advertising copy. You might be able to reach an agreement that your advertisement selling basketball T-shirts will run in the sports section, but it might be placed next to articles on baseball or hockey instead of the NBA, which reduces the chance that a basketball fan will see it. Television advertising, particularly cable, offers a chance to target niche markets. A lower-rated show may be perfect for you if it matches with your target market, such as a nursery might find on a gardening channel. But you have to know your audience preferences, and there's no guarantee your commercial will air at the portion of the program where most of your audience is watching.


The variety of print ad sizes means you can make them as big or as small as your needs and budgets allow. TV commercials cost more to produce than newspaper ads, and the cost of airtime is considerably higher than the price per newspaper column inch. That being said, relate expenditures to your audience and their preferences before making a decision. Most small businesses won't find it cost-effective to advertise in prime-time, when a TV spot on a major network costs more than $100,000. However, producing a commercial for a local TV audience can cost as little as $2,500, and while the cost of the airtime itself depends on your local market and economic conditions, you can negotiate a better rate if you're willing to pay in advance and commit to a multiweek schedule.

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