Computer Science, asked by chraviatwork, 5 months ago

compare and contrast two fundamental security design principles. Analyze how these principles and how they impact an organizations security posture


Answered by kunal171006


List and briefly define the fundamental security design principles.The fundamental securitydesign principles are as follows:Economy of mechanism- the design if the security measures should be as small and as simple aspossibleFail-safe default- access should be based on permissions rather than exclusionsComplete mediation- all access must be checked against the access control mechanismOpen design- the security mechanism design should be open as opposed to secretSeparation of privilege- practice in which multiple privilege attributes are required to gain accessto a system or operationLeast privilege- every process and user should operate using the least set of privileges needed toperform the taskLeast common mechanism- the design should minimize the functions shared by different usersif said users have mutual securityPsychological acceptability- security mechanisms should not interfere with the work of users,but still must meet the needs of those who authorize accessIsolation- the idea that things such as systems, processes, files, and security should be separatefrom each other and only as accessible as neededEncapsulation- a specific form of isolation based on object-oriented functionalityModularity- refers to the development of security functions as separate, protected modules,and to the use of a modular architecture for mechanism design and implementationLayering- the use of multiple, overlapping protectionsLeast astonishment- program or user interface should perform in the least likely way to confuseor astonish the user.

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