Math, asked by neerajmourya, 1 month ago

Compare and draw the comparison Bar Graph of scores of any three favourite matches
of IPL 2021 watched by you and maintain its records.


Answered by thugikeshu


religions became a mix of the

lands, or new places to settle in, or for old and the new, and out of this inter-

people to trade with. And because it mixing of cultures, came something

took so long to travel, once they got to new and different.

a place, people stayed there, often for The history of many places shows

a long time. Many others left their us how many different cultural

homes because there were famines influences have helped to shape life

and drought and they could not get and culture there. Thus regions

enough to eat. Some went in search of became very diverse because of their

work while others left because there unique histories.

was a war. Similarly diversity also comes

Sometimes, as they began to make about when people adapt their lives to

their homes in new places, people the geographical area in which they

began to change a little and at other live. For example living near the sea is

times they managed to do things in

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