compare artificial ,natural apiculture methods
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What is the difference between natural and artificial bee hives?
Left to their own resources, a bee swarm will move into any empty space of the right size. Preferably it will be dry and secure with one or two small entrances. In the wild, this is usually a hollow tree, but in habitated areas, a bee colony will live anywhere, including spaces in the walls of buildings. The bees hang their combs from the walls and ceiling.
My brother-in-law has an olive tree in his front yard. There are two small holes on roots. These serve has entrances for a colony of bees who live in a cavity within the olive tree. At times, the bee colonies have died out. Soon another swarm of bees finds the hive and moves in. Watching them is his hobby.
As a beekeeper, I keep my bees in Langstroff hives. These are the stacks of wooden boxes that you see if you drive past a bee yard. Each box is engineered to make for optimum living for the bees. Each box contains 10 frames on which bees build their combs. There is an entrance for the bees.
A Langtroff hive can be disassembled and reassembled without seriously disrupting the bees.
For a mature colony, there are two boxes in which they live and a third box in which they store excess honey that the beekeeper harvests.
In addition to Langstroff hives, there are also other styles such as the top bar hive. This is a trough with slats on top. The bee hang their comb from the slats, which can be easily removed and replaced.