Compare between P-waves, S-waves and waves Explain the earth's interior with a diagnam Distinguish between continental crust and oceanic
Answer:Body Waves
Body waves can be further sub-categorized into
P waves (Primary waves)
S waves (Secondary waves)
P Waves and S Waves
P waves and S waves
P Waves
P waves, or Primary waves, are the first waves to arrive at a seismograph. P waves are the fastest seismic waves and can move through solid, liquid, or gas. They leave behind a trail of compressions and rarefactions on the medium they move through. P waves are also called pressure waves for this reason. Certain animals, such as dogs, can feel the P waves much before an earthquake hits the crust (surface waves arrive). Humans can only feel the ramifications it has on the crust.
S Waves
S waves, or secondary waves, are the second waves to arrive during an earthquake. They are much slower than P waves and can travel only through solids. It is after studying the trajectory of S waves through the layers of earth, scientists were able to conclude that the earth’s outer core is liquid.
Difference between S Waves and P Waves
P waves S waves
The first wave to hit seismographs Second waves to hit seismographs
They are compression waves They are shear waves
Can move through solids Can only move through solids
and liquids
Shake the medium in the direction Shake the medium in the direction
in which they are propagating perpendicular to which they are