Compare developmental goals of an industrialist and a farmer.
Development goals may be common, different or conflicting.
(i) Common goals : There are some needs which are common to all like income, freedom, equality, security, respect, friendship, etc.
(ii) Different goals : Development or progress does not mean the same thing for every individual. Each individual has his own idea of development. For example, development for a farmer might be better irrigation facilities; for an unemployed youth it may mean better employment opportunities, etc.
(ii) Conflicting goals : What may be development for some, may become destruction for some others. For example, industrialists may want dams for electricity but such dams would displace the natives of the region.
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Developmental goals of an industrialist and a farmer
Development Goals of Farmers
- Tube-wells to be dug & canals to be made for irrigation for growing crops.
- Higher support prices for crops
- Availability of cheap and hardworking labor;
- Better education facilities for children. Education of children in English medium schools
- More earning from the land by giving it on rent.
Development Goals of Industrialists
- More electricity to run their factories, hence build more and more dams
- Exemption from taxes and other industrial exemptions
- Higher sales and revenues
- Cheap labour with high productivity
- Sending their children to big and famous schools/universities