Compare Figs. 8 and 10. 1. What similarities and differences do you see in the themes of the paintings? 2. If you were a nawab fighting the British, which battle scenes would you ask the artists to paint the ones you lost or the ones you won? 3. Do you think that the mural in Fig. 10 is realistic?
SORRY I am hopeless
But I can help you in other subject like mathematics so please follow me
1.The similarities you can notice in both the paintings is that both paintings are flaunting the war victory , the celebration of military triumph can be seen in both the paintings.
The difference can be noticed in the style of painting. Figure 8 painting is European style oil painting whereas in Figure 10 painting is a mural painting done by local artists of that time.
2.Of course, as a nawab I would have commissioned a painter to paint my victories to create public memories of my war victories so that it could be remembered by generations to come and only in this way people would know about my valor and about my great triumphs and it would inspire future generations and everyone would see me their perfect ideal.
3.Well Fig 10 may look less real but I won't mind getting my war victories painted in mural style because in the end it will be the real incident which will get painted and it will create public memory and also this style of painting is indigenous , so the appearance is real or not doesn't matters as long as true incidents are being painted.