Compare microcomputer with Minicomputer and mainframe in term of size cost and capabilities
A microcomputer is a computer whose CPU is a microprocessor. A microprocessor is a processor whose all components are on a single integrated-circuit chip. Those are normally single-microprocessor, single-user systems designed for performing basic operations like educational, training, small business applications, playing games etc.
Minicomputers, also called mid-range servers, are more powerful computers than micro-computers in terms of processing power and capabilities. Minicomputers are mainly multiuser systems where many users simultaneously work on the systems. Mini computers possess greater storage capacity and larger memories as compared to microcomputers. These are even capable of handling more input-output devices.
Mainframe Computers::
Mainframe computers are designed to handle huge volumes of data and information. These can support more than hundred users at same time. These very large and expensive computers have great processing speeds and very large storage capacity and memory as compared to minicomputers. These computers even possess and work with more than one processor at the same time. Thus one can say these are multiuser, multiprocessor systems. For mainframe computers very sophisticated operating systems are needed to control and supervise their operation.
Mainframe computers have been produced by companies such as IBM and Unisys since the 1950s. At that time, they were large enough to occupy an entire room. Mainframe computers are about the size of a refrigerator and cost at least $75,000. Corporations justify the expense by keeping mainframes running around the clock to handle critical tasks such as processing credit card transactions and updating airline information.
Microcomputers are smaller computers that derive their power from microprocessing chips. More commonly called personal computers, they are the most widely used type of computer. PCs include desktop computers, which are set up on a desk or similar surface and are rarely moved from one location to another. In contrast, a laptop is a portable computer with a clamshell design that allows the display screen to be folded over the keyboard. Tablets and smartphones are also intended for mobile use, but are smaller and more lightweight than laptops.
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