compare phatik's life in the village with his life in the city?
The river, the village landscape filled his tender heart and he lived merrily except for the arguments and quarrels he had with his widowed mother and younger brother Makhan. Life in Kolkata was totally different. There in the big city his free spirit was entirely lost. Like a caged animal he longed for the wild.
Phatik is the leader of the boys in his rural home village. Yet he feels his mother does not love him and always takes the side of his younger brother. The mother does see Phatik as a problem and a nuisance, calling him wild and disobedient. She fears he will drown or hurt his brother. She is not sorry when her brother comes and offers to take Phalik back to the city to go to school. Phalik is overjoyed at the prospect of leaving home.