Compare the climate of amazon river and the Ganga and Brahmaputra basin
Characterised by hot and wet climate throughout the year. Both day and nights are almost equally hot and humid. Skin feels sticky due to high humidity. Marked by high rainfall.
Climate of the Amazon Basin:-
1.As the equator passes through this region, the Amazon Basin has a hot and wet climate.
2. There is an absence of seasons and temperatures are uniformly high throughout year.
3. The humidity is generally very high but nights are cooler than days.
4.The rainfall is heavy and occurs throughout the year.
Climate of The Ganga – Brahmaputra Basin:-
1. The Ganga – Brahmaputra Basin has a monsoon type of climate with hot, dry summers and cool winters.
2.Most of the rain occurs between June and September from the South- West monsoon winds.
3. As the river of the Ganga- Brahmaputra Basin flow through regions of heavy rainfall they carry huge amounts of water.
4. Sometimes these rivers overflow and cause floods which are a common feature of this region.