Compare the climate of Kerala and Abu-Dhabi in 5 lines. Answer my question within 20 minutes, I will mark you has the brainest and rate you.
The distance between Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Trivandrum, Kerala, India is approximately 2,958 km or 1,838 mi.
To reach Abu Dhabi in this distance one would set out from Trivandrum, Kerala bearing 309.5° or NW and follow the great circles arc to approach Abu Dhabi bearing 303.1° or WNW .
Abu Dhabi has a subtropical hot desert climate (BWh) whereas Trivandrum, Kerala has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate with dry winters (Aw).
The annual average temperature is 0.3 °C (0.5°F) cooler.
Average monthly temperatures vary by 14.5 °C (26.1°F) more in Abu Dhabi. The continentality subtype is truly oceanic as opposed to extremely hyperoceanic.
Total annual precipitation averages 1746.1 mm (68.7 in) less which is equivalent to 1746.1 l/m² (42.85 US gal/ft²) or 17,461,000 l/ha (1,866,697 US gal/ac) less. About 0 as much.
The altitude of the sun at midday is overall 8.4° lower in Abu Dhabi than in Trivandrum, Kerala.
Relative humidity levels are 12.6% lower.
The mean dew point temperature is 3.4°C (6.1°F) lower.
I hope this answer helps you
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