Business Studies, asked by anchal11feb, 11 months ago

Compare the company form of organisation with the statutory corporation. Which

of the two would you recommend for managing public enterprises and why?​


Answered by sukhbirgupta122


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priyankamathur Virtuoso


Statutory verses private company


A company has its own individual personality.There are different types of companies.Here we are comparing the private company form with the statutory company form in the following form

1. Minimum Paid-up Capital- A company to be incorporated as a Private Company must have a minimum paid-up capital of Rs. 1, 00,000, whereas a Public Company must have a minimum paid-up capital of Rs. 5, 00,000.

2. Minimum Number of Members- Minimum number of members required to form a private company is 2, whereas a Public Company requires at least 7 members.

3. Maximum Number of Members- Maximum number of members in a Private Company is restricted to 50, there is no restriction of maximum number of members in a Public Company.

4. Transferability of Shares- There is complete restriction on the trans­ferability of the shares of a Private Company through its Articles of Association, whereas there is no restriction on the transferability of the shares of a Public Company.

In general,people basically prefer a Statutory form of a company.

The advantages of statutory corporations are as follows:-

(1)Formation: Formation of Statutory Corporations is easy. It can be easily formed by passing Special Act, either at Legislature Assembly or at Parliament.

(2) Autonomy: Statutory corporations can have its own working pattern. There is no political interference in day to day working of corporation.

(3) Flexibility: Statutory corporations enjoy full flexibility in its operations. It is free to take any decision relating to capital collection. Investment, market, production, recruitment, planning, accounting & the decision once taken can be easily changed.

(4)Capital Raising: Government contributes the capital at large for statutory corporations, but statutory corporations are free to collect capital from general public.

(5) Quick Decisions: Quick decisions are possible because all policy decisions are taken by the Board & board can implement these decisions easily. There is no interference of government in any type of decisions.

(6) Staff Members: Statutory corporations is free to have its own recruitment policy. It can recruit, promote, and transfer any employee / officer as per its requirement.


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