Compare the conductivities of n-type and p-type semiconductor at absolute zero
• the electrical conductivity of a semiconductor at absolute zero of temperature is zero.
• for an equal doping,, the n- type semiconductor will have more conductivity than a p-type semiconductor at general room temperature. But at absolute zero temperature the conductivity is zero.
Hope it is useful...!!
The conductivity of n-type and p-type semiconductor at absolute zero temperature is zero.
N-type semiconductor
In n-type semiconductor the majority carriers are free electrons and holes are its minority carriers. These type of semiconductors can be doped with pentavalent impurities such as Arsenic, antimony and among others.
P-type semiconductor
In p-type semiconductor the majority carriers are holes and the minority carriers are electrons. They are doped with trivalent impurities such as Boron, Aluminum and among others.
Comparison of conductivities of p-type and n-type semiconductors
At absolute zero both types of semiconductors show zero conductivity. Because for the conduction to occur, electrons must undergo transition from valence band to conduction band and this is possible if some amount of energy is added to the electron. The electrons will not be in thermal vibration state at absolute zero hence they do not conduct.