compare the education philosophies of j j Rousseau with that of M.K Gandhi.
Rousseau was of the opinion that given a child to develop naturally, he would have proper growth. This is killed by the artificial education. According to him children of 5 to 12 years should have “Negative type of education.” He says that there should not be time limit for a child to do a work; there should not be any books or formal education. There should not be any moral, social education. There should not be any formal discipline. He was more interested in developing the “child’s inner facilities.”
M.K. Gandhi was into “Positive Education.” He stressed that the child should be stressed on moral duty towards the nation; should study about God through Geetha etc., he stressed on the curriculum which gives all round development to the child. He stressed on the curriculum which had activities and which can build a skill in the child. He stressed on girls learning “Home Science” after certain class.