Compare the LCD,plasma TV and LED TV with reference to power used and picture quality
Edit this comparison chart LCD TV LED TV
current rating is 3.25/512345
(868 ratings)
current rating is 3.94/512345
(829 ratings)
Thickness Minimum 1 inch LED edge backlit LCD TVs are thinner than CCFL LCD TVs. Often less than 1 inch.
Power consumption Requires less power to operate when compared to plasma, but more than OLED TVs LED-lit LCD TVs consume less power around 70% compared to plasma TVs.
Screen size 13 - 57 inches Up to 90 inches
Burn-in Not an issue Burn-in is very rare
Cost Much cheaper $100 (small size and very low end) - $25,000
Life span 50,000 - 100, 000 hours Around 100,000 hours
Viewing angle Up to 165°, Picture suffers from the side The brightness and color on LCD TVs shift noticeably over the screen and depending on viewing angle
Mechanism Backlight covered by a layer of liquid crystals Light emitting diodes
Backlight Yes Yes
Contents: LCD TV vs LED TV
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