Compare the parliamentary and presidential form of government in india and usa and the power given to tye president of usa and prime minister of india
. Nominal head of the state- under this form of government, the head of the state i.e., the president
in Indian context is titular, while the prime Minister is the real head. This implies that the person
holding Presidential post may have great stature but he does not exercise his power independently.
The president has to act according to the advice of council of ministers headed by the prime
President is the Real Head- The President is both the head of the State as well as of the
Government. This enables him to take bold and quick decisions without any interference of the ministers.
They may advise him, but the President is not bound to follow them and the Ministers have to implement
the decisions taken. This adds to the efficiency of the system in times of emergencies by taking prompt and
bold decisions. This concentration of executive power and control makes the President to handle any
situation effectively. He has no obligation to convince the Ministers about the outcomes of the decision
2. Checks and Balances- In the Presidential system, the executive, legislature and judiciary are independent of each other. This separation of power contributes to checks and balances in the system making it more democratic since there is no absolute concentration of powers in the same body and the presence of other organs ensure proper working of the system