Economy, asked by zandamande738, 2 months ago

Compare the rate of Human Development in the different provinces in South Africa


Answered by killergirl37



As per the Human Development Index data that was drawn from the UN Development Programme’s South Africa Human Development Report, 2003, the list of provinces and the HDI is given for comparison below given as a table.

Source: Wikipedia.

Rank 1 - Province Western Cape - HDI of 0.7708

Rank 2 - Province Gauteng - HDI of 0.7351

Rank 3 - Province Northern Cape - HDI of 0.6856

Rank 4 - Province Free State - HDI of 0.6717

Rank 5 - Province Mpumalanga - HDI of 0.6491

Rank 6 - Province KwaZulu-Natal - HDI of 0.6305

Rank 7 - Province Eastern Cape - HDI of 0.6175

Rank 8 - Province North West - HDI of 0.6062

Rank 9 - Province Limpopo - HDI of 0.5943

Rank 10 - Province of South Africa - HDI of 0.6675

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