English, asked by seulidas, 1 year ago

competition dont leads to success


Answered by BrainlyKing111


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Now a days, competition has become a major part of our student life. Although this is facing criticism, as this very competition some times takes an unhealthy turn, but surely no one can deny that this competition, even if sometimes harmful is very essential for success. Being a student myself, I know how much competition counts. There are innumberable times, when you almost feel like giving up,but just the want to outshine your competitor, doesn't let you give up. Be it at exams,or daily tution classes or even at home if you have got a sibling, competition in its proper spirit would always help enhance your performance. At classrooms too,its commom to find sudents, rubbing their shoulders together, this helps themwork harder to acheive their goal. Competition indeed leads or rather helps you to achieve success. However you would be easily fooled,if you are relying only on competitive spirit,as competiton is effective only when taken up along with proper talent.


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