Chemistry, asked by 1152, 1 year ago

complet tissue work


Answered by trisha10433


a group of cell that are similar in structure and or work together to achieve a function

plant tissue are classified into two types

meristmatic tissue

group of cell that has ability to divide

they are present at only certain regions in plants called meristems

results in primary and secondary growth of plant

intercellular spaces are absent

classification of merismatic tissue on the basis
of their location

apical meristem

present at growing tips of stem and root

cell division in this region results in elongation of stem.and root

involved in primary growth of plant

intercalary meristem

present behihnd apex

present at base of leaf and internode region

it leads to increase in length of speed(primary)

lateral meristem

also called secondary meristem

occurs along the sides of longitudnal axis of plant

causes growth in girth of stem and root

responsible for secondary growth


when the meristmatic tissue divides , some of the cell stay inside the meristem while some of them are thrown out of meristem these cellls are known as derivaties or differentiated cells. these cell mature and develop and becomes permanent tissue. this process is onown as differentiation

permanent tissue

composed of cells which hav lost their ability to divide

they have definite shape size and thickness

it may be dead or living

it performs a specific function

permanent tissue are of two types

simple permanent tissue - tissue made up of similar types of cellls

1. parenchyma

2. collenchyma

3. sclerechyma

4. epidermis

complex permanent tissue

1. xylem

2. phloem


basic packaging tissue

unspecialised live cells

thin cell walls

large intercellular space


support to plants

Stores food

stores nutrient and water

it contains chlorophyll and performs.photosynthesis


parenchyma with air cavities in aquatic plants

it helps in floating


tissue responsible for flexibilty in plants

supporting and strengthening tissue

elongated living cells

irregularly thickened at corners

less intercellular space

where are they found

leaf stalks below epidermis

expanded leaf

stem apex


allows bending of leaves , stem without breaking.

provides mechanical support


tissue responsible for stiffness in plants

long narrow and dead cells

thickened cell walls made of cellulose impregnated with lignin

simple pits are present in thickened cell walls

no intercellular space

where are they found?

veins of leaves

hard covering of seeds and nuts

stems around vascular bundle


Provide strength to plants

provides mechanical support

complex permanent tissue


transports water from root to diff parts of plants

consists of msotly dead cells

elements it is made of

tracheids amd vessels

tubular structure

conducts water and mineral vertically

xylem parenchyma

store food

conduct water sideways

xylem fibres ( dead cells)



living cells except phloem fibre

seive tube

tubular cells with perforated walls

comapnion cells

regualtes metabolic activity of seive tube elements

phloem parenchyma

suplirt seive tube and store's compound like starch

phloem fibres

dead cells

gives mechanical strength

(i gave u upto plant tissue i m unable to type more so i cant give you about animal tissue)

hope helped

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