Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box.
school, fleet, brood, bundle, bunch, pack, flock, herd
1. a ——— of ships
2. a ——— of flowers
3. a ——— of chicks
4. a —— of cattle
5. a —— of sticks
6. a ——–– of sheep
7. a —––— of fish
8. a ––—— of wolves
NCERT Class 6th: Ch 2 How the dog found himself a master! Honeysuckle English
1.) a fleet of ships
2.) a bunch of flowers
3.) a brood of chicks
4.) a herd of cattle
5.) a bundle of sticks
6.) a flock of sheep
7.) a shoal/school of fish
8.) a pack of wolves
These words are called collective nouns.
A collective noun is a singular noun, such as ‘committee’ or ‘team’ that refers to a group of people, things, or animals. In British English a collective noun can be used either with a singular verb or a plural verb. In American English it is usually used with singular verb.
1. A fleet of ships
2. A bunch of flowers
3. A brood of chicks
4. A herd of cattle
5. A bundle of sticks
6. A flock of sheep
7. A school of fish
8. A pack of wolves
A collective noun is a form of noun that denotes the names for a collection of a number of people or things. It is either used with a singular verb or a plural verb. For example, swarm, flock, herd, group, etc.
1. A fleet of ships
2. A bunch of flowers
3. A brood of chicks
4. A herd of cattle
5. A bundle of sticks
6. A flock of sheep
7. A shoal/school of fish
8. A pack of wolves