Complete the blanks with the right demonstrative Pronoun. (The first one is done for you as an example). 1. (Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like this? 2. (With a bowl of cherries on your lap) __________ cherries are delicious! 3. (During a long walk) I should have worn _________ shoes I bought in Greece last year; __________ have never been comfortable. 4. Could you bring me _________ book I left in the garden? 5. (From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from _______ day forward. 6. I hate _______ books which tell you: " ______ is what you have to do to become rich." 7. (About a picture hanging on the wall) ________ are my children. 8. (About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) _______ is my wife.
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with a bowl of cherries on your lap