Complete the following program to shift arithmetic right a 32 bit number by shifting one byte at
a time.
d the result with "32 - b" ones (from the right) to clear "b" left bits in case "shr" fail me and did arithmetic shift instead (no example shows this, but just to make sure). Then the arithmetic shift:
Result := (a shr b) and ((1 shl (32-b))-1);
// Arithmetic shift right with unsigned integers
function sraC(a,b:Cardinal):Cardinal;
Result := (a shr b) or (( 0-((a shr 31) and 1)) shl (32-b));
Test it:
Writeln('E) ', sraI(-1,1) );
Writeln('F) ', srlI(-1,1) );
Writeln('G) ', sraC($FFFFFFFF,1) );
Writeln('H) ', srlC($FFFFFFFF,1) );
And got perfect results:
E) -1
program bug;
Then I was curios, is this bug also present in C++? I wrote a port to C++ and use (Borland!) bcc32.exe to compile it.
0) -1
1) 2147483647
2) -1
3) -1
4) 2147483647
5) 2147483647
6) -1
7) 2147483647
8) -1
9) 2147483647
A) -1
B) 2147483647
C) -1
D) 2147483647
E) -1
F) 2147483647
G) 4294967295
H) 2147483647
K) -1
L) 2147483647
M) 4294967295
N) 2147483647
Everything is OK. Here is C++ version, in case someone also wants to look:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Simple shift right with signed integers
int shrI(int a, int b){
return a >> b;
// Simple shift right with unsigned integers
unsigned int shrC(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){
return a >> b;
// Logical shift right with signed integers
int srlI(int a, int b){
return (a >> b) & ((1 << (32-b))-1);
// Arithmetic shift right with signed integers
int sraI(int a, int b){
return (a >> b) | (( 0-((a >> 31) & 1)) << (32-b));
// Logical shift right with unsigned integers
unsigned int srlC(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){
return (a >> b) & ((1 << (32-b))-1);
// Arithmetic shift right with unsigned integers
unsigned int sraC(unsigned int a, unsigned int b){
return (a >> b) | (( 0-((a >> 31) & 1)) << (32-b));
int I;
unsigned int C;
int main(){
I = -1;
cout<<"0) "<<( -1 >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"1) "<<( 0xFFFFFFFF >> 1 )<<endl;
// 0) -1 - correct
// 1) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"2) "<<( ((int)(-1)) >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"3) "<<( ((int)(0xFFFFFFFF)) >> 1 )<<endl;
// 2) -1 - correct
// 3) -1 - correct
cout<<"4) "<<( ((unsigned int)(-1)) >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"5) "<<( ((unsigned int)(0xFFFFFFFF)) >> 1 )<<endl;
// 4) 2147483647 - correct
// 5) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"6) "<<( I >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"7) "<<( C >> 1 )<<endl;
// 6) -1 - correct
// 7) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"8) "<<( ((int)(I)) >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"9) "<<( ((unsigned int)(I)) >> 1 )<<endl;
// 8) -1 - correct
// 9) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"A) "<<( ((int)(C)) >> 1 )<<endl;
cout<<"B) "<<( ((unsigned int)(C)) >> 1 )<<endl;
// A) -1 - correct
// B) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"C) "<<( shrI(-1,1) )<<endl;
cout<<"D) "<<( shrC(0xFFFFFFFF,1) )<<endl;
// C) -1 - correct
// D) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"E) "<<( sraI(-1,1) )<<endl;
cout<<"F) "<<( srlI(-1,1) )<<endl;
// E) -1 - correct
// F) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"G) "<<( sraC(0xFFFFFFFF,1) )<<endl;
cout<<"H) "<<( srlC(0xFFFFFFFF,1) )<<endl;
// G) 4294967295 - correct
// H) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"K) "<<( sraI(I,1) )<<endl;
cout<<"L) "<<( srlI(I,1) )<<endl;
// K) -1 - correct
// L) 2147483647 - correct
cout<<"M) "<<( sraC(C,1) )<<endl;
cout<<"N) "<<( srlC(C,1) )<<endl;
// M) 4294967295 - correct
// N) 2147483647 - correct