English, asked by rhythm101, 10 months ago

complete the following story in your own I was sitting in my room and write writing a ghost story all of a sudden I saw​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


I was sitting in my room and writing a ghost story; all of a sudden I sawa ghost materializing on the opposite side of the room I was sitting in. I got terribly scared. The ghost was looking scary. She was wearing old tattered clothes. Her face was very grisly. The skin on it was peeling off; and at certain places her skull bones were visible.  

I rose up from my chair to run out of the room. The ghost flew and stood in front of me. It pushed me back into the chair and shouted, “How dare you insult me by leaving me alone in the room? You yourself have called me and now you are ignoring me!”

I was stupefied and completely confused. I asked the ghost, “I am afraid there is either some misunderstanding or miscommunication; I never ever called you! Why would I call a scary ghost like you?”

This infuriated the ghost further. It screamed, “You called me by writing. When you write you send a message to ghost; and any nearby ghost responds this call.”

I understood the situation. I apologized to the ghost and explained to her I was just trying to write a ghost story. I had no intention of calling her. Listening to my explanation, the ghost disappeared. Immediately afterwards I took a pledge never to write a ghost story ever.  

Answered by jefferson7




I was sitting in my room and write writing a ghost story all of a sudden I saw​ a movement sofa. I  dismissed the movements as figments of my imagination.  I dd not believe in ghosts but  enjoyed reading and writing about the subject.

My grand mother had once told me that ghosts are the souls of people trapped on this earth after they have died. She had further went on to say that these souls are trapped here and can not move on to the afterlife.

I heard a voice coming from behind the closet. The voice was calling out my name. I became fascinated and decided to check it out. If it was a ghost  I had to see it with my own eyes. Suddenly there was a gust of wind  and a figure materialized before me. I was petrified and could not move even a  muscle.

There she was a see through figure of a young girl about seven or eight years.

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