English, asked by study85, 11 months ago

Complete the newspaper report using the passive voice. (0.5x8=4)

Sydney __________________(strike) by a massive earthquake on Thursday. Most property _____________

(damage) badly and communication lines ______________ (destroy) . Strong tremors ____________ (feel)

across the continent from Uluruto Brisbane and Tsunami warnings______________ (issue) for the coastal areas

of Bundaberg, Melbourne, Canberra and Newcastle. Several buildings , houses and hotels in Sydney _________

(bring down) by the strong impact of the earthquake. The Kingsford Smith Airport ____________ (close) and all

flights ___________ (cancel) for atleast 24 hours.


Answered by bhumisrivastava
1. was striked
2. was damaged
3. were destoryed
4. were felt
5. are issued
6. were brought down
7. was closed
8 are cancelled
9. has been declared
Answered by Anonymous
Was stroked
Was damaged
Were destroyed
Were felt
Were issued
Were brought down
Was closed
Were cancelled
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