English, asked by reddypmeghana, 7 months ago

Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of options that follow:
1.I met a smart young person ____(a)_____ wanted a ‘selfie’ _____(b)_____ me. So we _____(c)______ on top of a boundary wall.
(a) (i) which (ii) who (iii) whose (iv) whom
(b) (i) with (ii) on (iii) for (iv) to
(c) (i) sit (ii) sits (iii) sat (iv) sitting

2: Kites have __(a) ____ long and illustrious history, starting perhaps as _____(b)_____ as 260 B.C. ____(c)____ a Chinese general used it to ____(d)____ an evil emperor.
(a) (i) a, (ii) the, (iii) same, (iv) any
(b) (i) late, (ii) before, (iii) soon, (iv) early
(c) (i) where, (ii) when, (iii) till, (iv) unless
(d) (i) overthrown, (ii) overthem, (iii) overthrow, (iv) overthrows

3: Delhi ___(a)___ the capital of India. People from all parts __(b)___ the country and world come to visit Delhi. There ___(c)___ many historical buildings here. Last year I, ___(d)____ Delhi. I also watched ___(e)___ Commonwealth Games 2010.
(a) (i) was (ii) is (iii) are (iv) being
(b) (i) of (ii) from (iii) for (iv) at
(c) (i) being (ii) are (iii) been (iv) were
(d) (i) visit (ii) visiting (iii) visited (iv) will visit
(e) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) some

4. Arteries are vessels that carry blood ___(a)___ the heart to all parts of the body. Blood Pressure is the force of the blood ___(b)___ the walls of the arteries. Blood is pumped ___(c)___ the arteries each time the heart beats. ___(d)___ the heart beats, our blood pressure is at its highest.
(a) (i) by, (ii) from, (iii) with, (iv) upon
(b) (i) pushes, (ii) pushed, (iii) push, (iv) pushing
(c) (i) from (ii) for (iii) to (iv) into
(d) (i) while, (ii) when, (iii) so, (iv) until

5. Everyone is not in a position to ___(a)___ the family and start living in a ___(b)___ room on the banks ___(c)___ the Ganga.
(a) (i) leave (ii) leaver (ii) tell (iv) leaving
(b) (i) small (ii) smaller (iii) smallest (iv) little
(c) (i) On (ii) in (iii) of (iv) off

6. True education (A) ______ in the cradle. One might even (B) _______in the mother’s here womb itself. For it (C) ______here that mother and sensory (D)____ of the child’s organism (E) _____their first exposure to external stimuli. Even an eight-month-old infant (F)____ aware of cleanliness. And when there (G) _________ awareness there is possibility of education. Habits (H) ______ in early childhood are hard to undo.
(A) (a) begin (b) began (c) begins (d) begun
(B) (a) added (b) add (c) adds (d) adding
(C) (a) being (b) been (c) is (d)was
(D) (a) responses (b) response (c) responding (d) responser
(E) (a) gets (b) get (c) got (d) getting
(F) (a) is (b) was (c) been (d) being
(G) (a) being (b) been (c) is (d)was
(H) (a) form (b) forming (c) forms (d) formed

7. Jessica Watson (A)_______ born in Australia on 18th May, 1993. She is currently the youngest individual (B)________ non-stop and unassisted around the world. She (C) _______ from Sydney, Australia on 18th October, 2009. At 1.53 pm on 15th May, 2010 Watson (D) ______ the finish line in Sydney Harbour, three days before her 17th birthday.
(A) (a) has (b) was (c) is (d) were
(B) (a) was sailing (b) sailing (c) to sail (d) is sailing
(C) (a) departure (b) departed (c) has departed (d) will depart
(D) (a) to cross (b) has crossed (c) crossed (d) was crossing

8. Stress may actually be the eating trigger that (a)....................... the most trouble. Many of us have high levels of chronic stress, whether (b)........................ from workload, relationship troubles or long to-do lists. Our bodies respond to this stress the way our ancestors' bodies did, triggering "fight or flight" chemicals in the brain that (c) ............... to calorie accumulation and fat storage. But the difference is that we have plenty of food at our disposal; they didn't. So, we end up continually upgrading the size of our storage unit.
(a) (i) caused (ii) will cause (iii) causes (iv) causing
(b)(i) it's (ii) its (iii) it (iv) that
(c) (i) leading (ii) lead (iii) leads (iv) led

9. Some people are lucky enough never to fall sick, but most (a)_________ us have to go (b) _______ a Doctor occasionally. Except emergencies, it is customary (c)________ a patient to take (d) ______ appointment.
(a) (i) of (ii) to (iii) among (iv) in
(b)(i)into (ii)with (iii) to (iv) for
(c) (i) when (ii) with (iii) to (iv) for
(d) (i)an (ii) a (iii) the (iv)any



Answered by Anonymous


  1. who
  2. with
  3. sat


  1. A
  2. early
  3. when
  4. overthrow


  1. is
  2. of
  3. are
  4. visited
  5. the


  1. from
  2. pushing
  3. from
  4. when


  1. leave
  2. small
  3. of


  1. begins
  2. adds
  3. being
  4. responses
  5. gets
  6. is
  7. is
  8. formed


  1. was
  2. to sail
  3. departed
  4. crossed


  1. caused
  2. it's
  3. is


  1. of
  2. to
  3. with
  4. an

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