English, asked by mdmasumislam176754, 4 months ago

Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) Everybody desires success. But very few can attain it. Industry is the
(b) Scarcely had the teacher gone out of the room (_).
(c) Our main profession is agriculture. So, we cannot help(----).
(d) Most of the educational institutions are poor in respect of facilities though our government (----).
(e) Rivers are not now (---); most of the rivers have changed their courses.
(f) (---)brings a lot of damage.
(g) He confessed that (----). So, I forgave him.
(h) (----)causes flood.
(i) People suffer most (---).
(j) (---)has now become a necessity.


Answered by rainandlal539


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