Math, asked by bc150401797, 11 months ago

complete the series: 11,33,______,143,231,341​


Answered by histrionicus


The correct answer is - 77.

Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer is based on the consecutive increase in multiple of 22 is visible in provided series of numbers.

The difference in between numbers are as follows:

11 and 33 = 22

33 and -- = x

-- and 143 = y

143 and 231 = 88, and

231 and 341 = 110,

All are multiple of 22 so the x and y would be 44 and 66 that are difference between 2nd number and third number and 3rd number and the fourth number.

So, 33+44= 77 or 143 - 66 = 77 proves our observations.

Thus, the correct answer is - 77.

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