English, asked by julius7382, 8 months ago

Complete the story beginning with: The whole country was locked down. My sister and I were spending time watching TV, drawing and colouring and helping our parents. One day we found three stray puppies lying in front of our main gate. We went to gate watched them for sometime and returned. The next day too we went to see them and found no movement in them...


Answered by daniya12


The whole country was locked down. My sister and I were spending time watching TV , drawing and colouring and helping our parents. One day we found three stray puppies lying in front of our main gate . We went to gate watched them for sometime and returned. The next day too we went to see them and found no movement in them. My sister saw me and said " Are they died?" We rushed to our parents and called them urgently out of the door. My parents came out we saw them the puppies and told them "When we saw them yesterday the were fit and fine. What happened to them today." My father check the puppies and told " Take them home they are hungry and thirsty. We have to feed them." We take them home and feed them the next movement they were fine. We asked our parents "Can we play with them and keep them as pet? " My father said " Yes, Of course if they want " We take them in our hand they waved their tail. And now they are our pet and more over our friends too.

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