English, asked by madhavirbellary, 9 months ago

complete the story by filling in the subjects and objects has required you may use nouns noun phrases and pronouns this little monkey always greets______by sitting on my shoulder. through I know_____means no harm, it still gives_____the creeps. I usually feed____bread crumbs and bananas to keep_____occupied has soon as I see it leaping towards me.but ,______ wants all the bananas at once. one day,________ crept behind me and took away____with the goodies from my hand. I offered the monkey_____.Nay! Eid new my intentions better! rather,____ squealed at me. then, it climbed up____and perched on one of its branches. but, in no time, ____was back on my shoulder. my family watched us._____stood by giving me sympathetic looks, but no one dared _____.​


Answered by Hemalathajothimani


Here is one example.....


A quick search reveals it did happen though the details are quite different. In 1967. “Cultural acquisition of a specific learned response among rhesus monkeys” by Stephenson et al. (EDIT: Added the qualifier and updated the link to point directly to the original research paper. See the note below.) I found, like many good stories, the 5 monkeys story has been told elsewhere, though Eddie Obeng’s story-telling brings it to life.

The original lesson seemed to be: “if you’re trapped with a malevolent experimenter, don’t go for the bananas”. Today, though, we can do something that wasn’t possible for those monkeys in 1967: we can change the experiment. That is, instead of just accepting the work environment we happen to be placed in, we can take more control now than ever before.

By working out loud - making our work visible and discoverable - we can create purposeful networks and come in contact with wildly different experiments going on in your own firm and in organizations around the world. Different objectives, different incentives, different management styles, different support systems.

You don’t have to take it any more. If you feel trapped, you can reach through the bars of your current environment and come into contact with possibilities you’d have never known about otherwise by working in a more open, more connected way. Today, whatever experiment you find yourself in, you can make your work and life better.

Note: In the original post I said "It did happen" and that motivated a few people who pointed me to a thorough analysis of the paper I cited and how the lessons in the original research varied from this post. What I meant and should have written was that there was a study that was indeed the basis of the story, not that the research provided proof. After all, It was a small study with a few monkeys. Nevertheless, just as we teach our kids about the Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed so they won't bump their heads, the story above serves as a cautionary tale that can help people be more mindful of what they're doing and why.

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