complete the story - sheena was coming from school and she saw a small child, who was crying bitterly, she went to him........
she went to him and asked what was wrong the boy said he was lost and looked around but couldnt find his parents the girl took the boy and they both looked for his parents together. finaly they found the boys parents who turned out to be her new neighbours. they thanked her and later on the two families held on to a beautiful friendship
Kogawa’s Apartment, Vancouver
Joy Kogawa’s writings and various narrativesdeal primarily with memory, which is not a solidconstituent. Memories exist in a dynamic stateof flux: they change as we revisit them and trans-form depending on the events in our lives at thetime that the memories are evoked. Joy’swriting, whether it be poetry or prose, fiction ornon-fiction, has largely been an attempt to cap-ture or to revisit memory. Though it is wellknown that Kogawa’s writing has autobiograph-ical resonances, the sheer extent to which herpoetry and fiction are a creative expression of her feelings and an artistic interpretation of theevents of her own life became more evident overthe course of our interview.
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