English, asked by missmodel545, 1 year ago

complete the story some lines are given below-

once there was an old man he had four sons . They always quaralled with one another......

(max 180-200 words)
pls not write short story
need help class 10


Answered by Jattiiiiiiiiiiak47
Hey mate!!


once there was an old man he had four sons. they always quaralled with one another. once their father was suffering from a disease. He thought, "if he died, anybody can be fooled his sons because they didn't like one another".He wants to bind them. So that is why he call them. and said them to bring a single single piece of wood .and after that he said that, now u all have to broke this peice. and everybody broke it easily. now, their father said them to bring a bundle of wood.. and again ordered to broke it.. but nobody of them was able to broke that bundle. Now, their father describe them,the power of unity. And he also said that if we live single in our life, then anybody can harm us or if we stood in unity, then nobody can harm us.....

I hope it will helps u

please follow me and mark me as brainlist

Anonymous: brilliant story...
Answered by Best1234
What you do comes back to you

Once there was an old man he had four sons. They always quaralled with one another. The father was very disappointed with his sons. He was very poor and couldn't afford things. So his sons fought with him. Unfortunately, one day he became very sick. He was rushed to the hospital. But he died. Then the four sons couldn't imagine life with so many hardships. They didn't know what work should they do to earn money. Nor they knew that what was right for them. A few months passed and only one of them started earning and understood that how difficult was it for his father to earn money. So he told his brothers that they should understand that how difficult is it to earn money and feed their family. But after this as well they didn't understand the pain. The other three sons didn't work for years and months. One day they all started their own business and did hardwork. Even they had families. So they understood that what was the pain of their father. After a few days their sons also started to fight with them and wanted different things at different times. So the sons felt very sorry for their father and apologised.

Moral: Always respect your elders, never loose your anger so quickly and understand others pain.

missmodel545: Pls answer one more question on my profile that question is also story
Best1234: sure
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