Complete the table by writing the differences between bathing soap and washing soap
Bathing Soaps
Bathing soap are also known as SOAP
Soaps are potassium salts of long chain fatty acids. The anionic group present in a soap is -COO.
They are obtained from vegetable oils and animal fats that means they can be considered to be natural.
They are completely biodegradable and hence safer for the environment.
They do not form lather readily in hard water.
They demonstrate weak cleansing action.In acidic water Soaps cannot be used.
Washing Soaps
Washing soaps are also known as DETERGENTS
Detergents are sodium salts of long chain hydrocarbons (fatty acids). The anionic group present in detergent is −−OSO3 or - SO3.
They are obtained from coal tar and petroleum and hence are synthetic or man-made.
They are non biodegradable and hence prove to be harmful for the environment.
They form lather readily in hard water.
They demonstrate strong cleansing action. In acidic water detergents can be used efficiently.
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