Biology, asked by purbi2, 9 months ago

Complete this puzzle
3. Noddy lives here (7 letters)
5. Batman's hometown
(6 letters)
6. The imaginary place visited
by Alice (10 letters)
8. The planet where He-Man
lives (7 letters)
1. The planet where Superman was born
(7 letters)
2. The fictional town created by RK
Narayan where Swami lives (7 letters)
4. The school Harry Potter goes to
(8 letters)
7. The village in which Asterix and Obelix
live (4 letters)​


Answered by Dadadaadadad






Answered by KomalSrinivas

The solved words are as follows:


3. Toyland ( Noddy is a wooden boy who lives in Toyland . His best-friend is an elf named Big Ears. )

5. Gotham ( Bin Finger and Bob Kane are the creators of the DC comic Batman. Gotham City is modeled after New York City.)

6. Wonderland (Created by Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland is a children's book. Wonderland is the wonderful place that Alice visits after jumping into the rabbit hole.)

8. Eternia (He-Man is the most powerful man in the world. He fights evil to save his planet Eternia.)


1. Krypton (Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster are the creators of the American superhero Superman. He was born on the planet of Krypton from where his parents sent him to earth.)

2. Malgudi (Malgudi is a creation of R K Narayan. It is a fictional town that forms the background of his story 'Malgudi Days.')

4. Hogwarts ( Hogwarts is a school of magic and witchcraft. Harry reads here with his friends Hermoine Granger and Ronald Weasley.)

7. Gaul (Gaul was a place in western Europe. The comic book Asterisk is about French warriors and their adventures.)

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