Components ofthe power point windows 2010?
ⒶTitle Bar
ⒷQuick Access Bar
ⒸRibbon Menu
ⒹSorter Panel
ⒺSlide Template
ⒻAdd Note Bar
ⒼStatus Bar
ⒽZoom In/Out
ⒾAnimation pane
ⒿControl Tool box
ⓀTab Menu
The various components of PowerPoint 2010 Windows are as follows:-
◆ Titlebar:- It appears at the top of PowerPoint Windows which shows the name of presentation you are working with and has three control buttons on its right side to minimise, maximize and close the window.
◆ Quick access toolbar:- This is a customisable toolbar present on the left side of the title bar used to quickly perform some of the commonly used functions like saving a file, undo, redo etc.
◆ File Tab:- Microsoft Office button present in the previous version of PowerPoint is replaced with file tab which opens the backstage view to manage the files and settings. You can save, open and create new presentation based on a blank or predefined template.
◆ Ribbon:- This component is present just below the title bar. It has eight tabs in it wherein each tab is divided into the groups. The groups are the logical collection of PowerPoint commands to perform various presentation related functions.
◆ Slide Pane:- This is the actual work area where individual slides are created or modified.
◆ Notes Pane:- This is a small rectangular area under the slide pane which is used for making the speaker notes for the individual slides.
◆ Slide/Outline tab:- These two tabs are present on the left side of the slide pane which is used to perform slide related functions like inserting/deleting slides in the presentation, creating duplicate slides or to reorder the slides.
◆ Slide View Toolbar:- This toolbar is present on the status bar at the bottom of PowerPoint Windows having three buttons, used to switch between the PowerPoint views.