compose a 8 to 10 sets of imaginary dialougues between a bird a tree and a fruit regarding the effect environments changes
just imagine on your own
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Compose about 8-10 sets of imaginary dialogue between a bird, a tree and its fruit regarding the effects of environmental changes. Write it in your notebooks.
Conversation between a bird, a tree and its fruit:
Conversation 1:
Bird: Hi there, tree! How are you doing?
Tree: Not too well. I can't breathe. There's too much of dust and smoke here.
Bird: What, here too? I've come here to escape just that!
Fruit: Wrong place, birdie. Look at me: do I look healthy? I'm not growing. Too many insecticides have been sprayed on me.
Bird: Oh, oh. Maybe I should leave this place too.
Conversation 2:
Tree: Oh, no! Something is happening! My roots are getting loose!
Bird: That's called erosion. Soil erosion.
Tree: What happens next?
Bird: The next time it rains heavily-boom! Down you will go! And away I will fly.
Tree: Can't someone help me?
Fruit: What about me?