English, asked by swatishelke2004, 1 year ago

compose two lines of your own on any sense organ.

proper answer plzzzz ​


Answered by sadiaanam


"Ears are the guardians of sound,

listening to the whispers of nature all around."


Hearing is one of the most important senses that we possess. It allows us to perceive the sounds of the world around us, from the chirping of birds to the thunder of a storm.

The ears are the organs responsible for detecting sound waves and converting them into signals that the brain can understand. They work by capturing the vibrations caused by sound waves and translating them into electrical impulses. These impulses are then sent to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound. Whether it's listening to music, having a conversation with a friend, or simply enjoying the sounds of nature, our hearing plays a vital role in our daily lives, providing us with a wealth of information and sensory experiences.

Learn more about Impulses :



Answered by priyadarshinibhowal2

With greenery and happiness, the world is abound,

Open your eyes and look around.

  • The visual system of our body's organs include the eyes. They give living things the ability to see, to take in what is being seen and then process visual information, and to perform a number of photoresponse functions that are not dependent on vision. Light is detected by the eyes, which then causes electro-chemical impulses in the neurons present.
  • In higher organisms, the eye is considered as a sophisticated optical system that gathers light from the environment, controls its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an appropriately adjustable arrangement of lenses to form an image, transforms this image into a series of electrical signals, and sends these signals to the brain via intricate neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other regions of the brain.

Here, the lines for the sense organ eye that is used to see are,

With greenery and happiness, the world is abound,

Open your eyes and look around.

Learn more here



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