English, asked by saba123, 1 year ago

composition importance of trees in our life


Answered by dasan2745

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.

Not only are trees essential for life, but as the longest living species on earth, they give us a link between the past, present and future.

It’s critical that woodlands, rainforests and trees in urban settings, such as parks, are preserved and sustainably managed across the worldThe canopies of trees act as a physical filter, trapping dust and absorbing pollutants from the air. Each individual tree removes up to 1.7 kilos every year. They also provide shade from solar radiation and reduce noise.

Over 20 species of British trees and shrubs are known to have medicinal properties. The oil from birch bark, for example, has antiseptic properties.

Research shows that within minutes of being surrounded by trees and green space, your blood pressure drops, your heart rate slows and your stress levels come down.Trees host complex microhabitats. When young, they offer habitation and food to amazing communities of birds, insects, lichen and fungi. When ancient, their trunks also provide the hollow cover needed by species such as bats, woodboring beetles, tawny owls and woodpeckers.

One mature oak can be home to as many as 500 different species. Richmond Park is full of such trees, which is one of the reasons it has been designated a National Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest.Trees strengthen the distinctive character of a place and encourage local pride. Urban woodland can be used as an educational resource and to bring groups together for activities like walking and bird-watching. Trees are also invaluable for children to play in and discover their sense of adventure.Soon, for the first time in history, the number of people with homes in cities will outstrip those living in the countryside. Parks and trees will become an even more vital component of urban life. We must respect them and protect them for the future.

Hope it is helpful

vaishnavi79119: thanks
Answered by SelieVisa


Importance of trees:

The various ways trees benefit us are-- Plants and trees provide us with food, fiber, shelter, medicines like aspirin tablets, shades, and firewood. Sponges, chewing gum, henna dye, rubber, etc. The basic food for all organisms is produced by green plants. We should be seriously more involved in tree plantation. Consider the following points for a better understanding.

1. Trees stabilize the soil. In the absence of trees and forests the fertile top soil is washed away by rainwater making cultivation impossible.

2. Greenery is not mere foliage. Trees prevent desertification.

3. Trees retain water in the soil. Without forests the entire rainwater flows into the sea. The water is then not available as ground water. Thus we experience flash floods followed by severe droughts and cultivation becomes impossible.

4. If deforestation continues unchecked, there will be violent riots for water due to scarcity caused by droughts and pollution of rivers and lakes.

5. Trees are water bearer. Without trees rainfall will decrease and cultivation will become rather a matter of luck. There will be worldwide food scarcity causing famines.

6. Trees are oxygen cylinders. Trees absorb the harmful Carbon dioxide and release Oxygen. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in oxygen level and increase Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Increased Carbon dioxide level results in lungs diseases, cancer and lower life expectancy.

7. Trees are air conditioners. Trees keep the temperature temperate.

8. Trees and forests are habitats of wild birds and animals.

9. Forests are store houses of many medicinal plants.

10. Trees also reduce air and noise pollution.

11. Trees add beauty to the landscape.

Trees do much for us. But human beings are felling them in large scale for the timber industries for financial gain. Population growth and human activities are leading to the decrease of forest cover of the earth. The consequences will be catastrophic. Conservation of trees is vital. Let us learn to live side by side with nature. Let us all join hands to plant more trees in a war footing. The quality of life and our very survival depends on it.

#answerwithquality #BAL

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