Composition on A secret door which u found in your house
If I had a secret door it would lead to the secret passage.
The secret passage would lead to the hidden room where I store my treasure and all the forbidden accoutrements of my unspeakable trade. I would have another concealed doorway in the hidden room - which would lead to the underground garden.
In the garden there would be a mysterious lake. At the edge of the lake would be a cunning boat with two golden oars. On the far shore you would just be able to see a gleaming temple surrounded by silver trees and strange lights.
You would hear the far off sounds of music and laughter. There would be the heavy scent of spices, smoke, and something indescribably delicious floating on the breeze.
In the temple there would be an invisible door. The opening mechanism would be hidden in the folds of the robes of a figure on an ancient sarcophagus. The door would lead down to a dark hallway filled with hundred of ornate metal portals. There is little point in mentioning that the contents of the rooms or hallways behind those portals should be considered strictly confidential.
At the end of the hallway, there would be a grand, majestic hall. In the center of the hall, up on a dais, would be my throne. Behind the throne would be a rich, velvet curtain put there to conceal an inconspicuous hatchway which would open into a large crawlway cleverly disguised as a vent in the back of the closet in my bedroom.