English, asked by Avanivibhu, 11 months ago

composition on excellence ​


Answered by avnishmisra3


In our life, we try to achieve name, fame and success by our actions. If convergence of thought, word and action takes place at the right moment, the joy of success touches our feet. We feel completeness in the achievement and we feel that we have excelled. But is it correct to say that I had excelled three years back or I had achieved excellence last year in my duty? To my mind, ‘excellence’ is a continuous process in the journey of life. What is life? ‘Life is the sum total length of the point of breathing-in and breathing-out’. In other words, when you come to the earth, the first thing that the earth gives you is breathing and when you leave this earth you have to leave air/oxygen, that is the last breathing out. In this measurable length of life, the various actions take place at various moments and failure as well as success is manifested. Many say failure is the pillar of success. In fact, there is nothing called failure. Rather it is a continuous process to achieve the success. In fact, it should be our endeavour to perceive that the excellence resides in our thought, word and action at every moment of time. Robert Frost’s beautiful couplet reminds us that "The Woods are lovely, dark and deep –but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep".

Sometimes we say that we are extraordinarily excellent. It is not we but it is our alter ego, which speaks it out. Excellence has to be a continuous endeavor in the performance of our life. How many of us have ever thought as to what is performance of our life. How many of us have ever asked ourselves or done introspection regarding the objective of our life. Satisfaction of limited achievement blocks the doors of excellence. The achievement in the corridor of success is nothing but a milestone in a long timeless journey.Many Avatars have come and taken their birth in order to finish their unfinished work in previous birth. Therefore, it is essential that they come and take Avatar and attempt the incomplete works and try to finish them. . According to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, since ages man has been striving to reduce the gap between himself and God. There are only two ways to do it. One is to elevate human kind towards divinity, which is called ‘Siddhi’ and the other is to bring God to human level in Avatar form. Here divinity manifests itself for the sake of human kind.

There are various ways through which one can achieve excellence during his lifetime. The first step to progress towards excellence is to give hundred percent to the action that is to be performed. Second, one has to live in the present and neither in the glory of past nor the dreams of the future. Neither of them should influence his action Third, resistance brings blockade. Flow with the fountain of time, resistance will disappear. Fourth, there is nothing called trying to do it. Either you do it or you do not do it. Therefore, just do it. Last but not the least, according Gita, do not keep expectations from your actions; just do your ‘karma’. ‘Karmanyevadhikaraste mafaleshu kadachana’. The result will be decided by God. Therefore, full devotion to ‘karma’ with simultaneous detachment from result of ‘karma’ brings union between perfection and excellence of human being. Thus, the term ‘excellence’ is not a time bound programme and there is nothing called ‘destination to excellence’. One has to continue to strive towards perfection and achieve excellence in the journey of life. Excellence is a journey and not a destination.

Answered by sravya17

The concept of excellence in education is one that, on the surface, seems to be unquestionable. After all, who would not accede that students within our schools should, in fact, excel? Certainly teachers, parents, and administrators can agree on excellence as an aim to shoot for. The interpretation of the term "excellence" is, however, less obvious. How do we regard excellence? Is it the college bound student with a broad liberal arts education? Is it the student who graduates high school trained in a specific trade? Many in the field of education cannot come to an agreement on how our schools can best achieve excellence for and from our students.

One of the many authorities who have contributed a model for what schools should be is Robert L. Ebel. According to Ebel, knowledge is the single most significant and most important goal in the education of children. In his article "What are schools for?" Ebel answers "that schools are for learning, and that what ought to be learned mostly is useful knowledge" (3). He builds this declaration in answer to trends in education that focus upon other aspects of learning in schools. Ebel states in the beginning of his article, that he does not assume schools should be social research agencies, recreational facilities, adjustment centers, or custodial institutions. (3). While he does not deny that our nation is currently wrestling with a dreary array of social ailments, he does argue that the answer to such problems can or should lie within the jurisdiction of our schools.

In discussing education's mission to provide useful knowledge, Ebel defines what he means by the word knowledge: "It is an integrated structure of relationships among concepts and propositions" (5). Knowledge, the way Ebel describes it is not the same as information. Ebel states that "knowledge is built out of information by thinking". Knowledge, according to ...

i hope it will helps u☺

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