Composition on we all are human beings atleadt 300 word
How has human rights, changed your life? Think about our rights from today and from 50 years
ago. Compare and think of how it changed our nation. Human Rights plays an important role in
my life because it allows me to live free, and unworried. Having the right itself just makes me
feel special. It’s like owning something that’s never going to be broken, be stolen, and lost. It’s
with you anywhere and anytime.
Education is most definitely a right. Anyone that would want to go to school should be allowed
not having to think about any barriers. There shouldn’t be a barrier in the first place anyways,
school should always be affordable for anyone. I think education is a privilege, and its sad to
think about that a lot of the students including me, don’t even value school at all. But there are
probably thousands of other kids right now that’s human, and is living in this world that is
wanting to be in school. But where is their right to be educated? Nowhere.
We shouldn’t be hearing and seeing torture at anytime. No one has the right to torture any other
human beings! Back where I was from I was told a story that one time a dad who came home
really drunk and was really upset about something. Of course he was probably not thinking right
cause he hit his son with a tube, not a plastic tube, but a heavy-metal tube.This kid was left with
bruises all around his body. I felt terrible and heartbroken almost cause it was sad enough to hear
the story but knowing that, that dad is still living his life to the fullest is ridiculous! He should be
in jail right now, feeling guilty of what he has done to his own son.
So overall what I’m trying to say is any human beings should always be treated with respect,
whether you like the person or not. Respect their own rights, and hopefully they’ll respect yours.
Just like the saying, “treat others how you want to be treated”.