compound interest on Rupees 2744 at end of 3 years is rupees 631 what would be the simple interest on same sum at the same rate in same period
Step-by-step explanation:
.Numeral : In Hindu Arabic system, we use ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
called digits to represent any number.
A group of digits, denoting a number is called a numeral.
We represent a number, say 689745132 as shown below :
Ten Crore Ten Lacs( Ten Thou Hundr Ten Uni
Crores s(10 7 ) Lacs 10 5 ) Thous sands eds s(l ts(l
(10 8 ) (Millions ands (10 3 ) (10 2 ) 0 1 ) 0°)
)(10 6 ) (10 4 )
6 89 745132
We read it as : 'Sixty-eight crores, ninety-seven lacs, forty-five thousand, one hundred
and thirty-two'.
II Place Value or Local Value of a Digit in a Numeral :
In the above numeral :
Place value of 2 is (2 x 1) = 2; Place value of 3 is (3 x 10) = 30;
Place value of 1 is (1 x 100) = 100 and so on.
Place value of 6 is 6 x 10 8 = 600000000
III. Face Value : The face value of a digit in a numeral is the value of the digit itself
at whatever place it may be. In the above numeral, the face value of 2 is 2; the face
value of 3 is 3 and so on.
LNatural Numbers : Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are called natural